Over the past few years, the deodorant industry has seen a major shift. This industry, in particular, produces over 15 million pounds of plastic waste each year.
Shift exists to create natural, locally-sourced products that change mindsets, shape behaviours and lead a new revolution. We are driven to create plastic-free, natural products that are actually good for people and the planet.
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Our Plastic-free Shell+ 1 refill for just £3.95!
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It’s easy to make something, even easier when it’s just like the thing before it, or one before that. Like all good things, this one starts from scratch.
Introducing our natural deodorant in a sleek, easy-to-use aluminium shell casing. Unlike many other deodorant stick packaging it contains no plastic.
The Formulation
We've spent over 12 months perfecting a natural deodorant, wear-testing it in all manner of situations.
Many deodorants use harsh chemicals and aluminium salts, which can have adverse effects on health and stop an important bodily function; sweating. So instead of adding aluminium to our deodorant, we made the Shell from it instead.
It’s a powerful natural solution that doesn’t leave you questioning what you're putting on your skin.